14th August 2024
In an effort to extend services closer to its members, Wazalendo Savings and Credit Cooperative Society (WSACCO) has flagged off the construction of a commercial Complex that will house its Arua cash operating branch and also offer rentable space for the public in Arua City at plot 8 School Road.

The Resident District Commissioner of Arua City, Mr Charles Ichogor, who flagged off the construction appluaded the President of Uganda His Excellency YK Museveni, the Commander in Chief of the armed forces for the vision of professionalizing the army and establishing a SACCO. He noted that all the achievements registered by the UPDF are hinged on transparency, professionalism, and decipline. In the same spirit, Mr Ichogoro thanked the Wazalendo leadership for choosing Arua city among other cities for such investments.
” You have come to Arua at a time when we have young Emyooga and PDM SACCOs and other savings groups that need training and mentorship. Wazalendo SACCO is therefore, going to be a learning center for our people. I encourage Arua city leadership to mobilize the SACCOs to come and learn from Wazalendo SACCO best leadership and management practices and grow their institutions. The UPDF has succeeded where many SACCOs have not because tĥeir leaders are not corrupt,” emphasized the RCC.

The Commander 409 Infantry Bridage Lt Col Nathan Bainomugisha who spoke on behalf of the 4th Div Commander, Brigadier General Felix Busizori commended the decision taken by WSACCO leadership to buy land and construct a commercial structure in City Centre of Arua. He also appreciated the quality of services that Wazalendo SACCO renders to the members. ” The support extended to our members is exhibited by accessible and affordable services that they enjoy through the expanded branch network and other digital channels. I pledge total support in terms of the security of WSACCO business in Arua and continuous member mobilization.” He said.
The vice chairman of the Board of Directors, Lt Col Allan Kitanda, who represented the Chairman Lt Gen Sam Kavuma commended the good working relationships demonstrated by the Arua city leadership so far in the processing of documents and approval of architectural plans. Kitanda thanked the WSACCO management team for implementing the strategic plan handed to them by BOD and working towards achieving WSACCO’s vision. He called upon other professionals to come together and form SACCOs to contribute to the national economy. He noted that growth of any SACCO requires good leadership and mindset change. He informed the public that WSACCO has a plan of opening its common bond where selected members of the public are to do business with WSACCO.

The Wazalebdo SACCO Chief Executive Officer Col Joseph Freddy Onata promised that the construction of the building in Arua City will shape the face of the city and create employment opportunities for members of the community who will be engaged in the construction and supply of materials. He added that the building, when completed and occupied, will also contribute to the city’s revenue and enhance service to the members . He emphasised that SACCOs are about numbers and the quality of services in terms of affordability and convenience.

“Wazalendo has mainly registered great milestones because of transparency, honesty, teamwork and creativity. Strategically, the Arua City branch is intended to bring WSACCO closer to the community and also to grow the SACCO through enhanced savings and loan disbursements. We are building outside the barracks to also link WSACCO with the community. In addition, we expect that other SACCOs in the region will have easy access to our branch for purposes of learning and sharing experiences compared to when the branch is located inside the military barracks.” said the CEO.

The groundbreaking ceremony was also attended by Arua City Mayor Mr Wadri Sam, City Clerk Mr Kyasanku David, Commanding Officer 55 Batallian Maj Jimtex Mutungi, RPC Westnile SSP Ochama Denis,BoD member Northern Maj Peter Tuhairwe, BoD Member Westnile S/Sgt Osuko Peter, Director Operations Mr William Atalyeba among other guests.
Charity Namanya