23rd November 23

The remarks were made by the Deputy Chief of Political Commissariat (CPC) Col Nelson Ahebwa while making a presentation on behalf of the CPC Maj Gen Henry Masiko during a one day workshop held at WSACCO Headquarters in Kiwatule on Wednesday 22 November 23 and attended by PSOs drawn from UPDF Services, formations and units.
WSACCO PSOs are the UPDF Political Commissars (PCs) who are designated to support
WSACCO operations in their respective Service Commands, Formations and Units in the areas of mobilization, member education and monitoring and evaluation (M&E).

Col Ahebwa emphasized the importance of conscious discipline in the success, sustainability and progress of UPDF from which WSACCO management should borrow a leaf. “I Implore you to emulate the same spirit, methods of work and discipline to enable you to keep an eye on Wazalendo operations and facilitate delivery of quality services to the members in line with the objectives for which WSACCO was established” said the Deputy CPC.
He noted that WSACCO is so strategic to the security of the country and therefore whoever disorganizes the progress of Wazalendo SACCO, shall be threatening the security of the country and must be identified and uprooted in the interest of security of the state.
The Chief Executive Officer of Wazalendo SACCO Col Joseph Freddy Onata in his presentation, appreciated the PSOs for their contribution to the service of Wazalendo SACCO members.

He noted that having a clear understanding of WSACCO’s strategic direction as enshrined in the Vision, Mission and objectives is therefore key if the PSOs are to effectively mobilize members to appreciate the milestones achieved so far and to reasonably predict where WSACCO shall be in the foreseeable future. He called upon the PSOs to go back and share the information and knowledge that they wil be exposed to during the workshop with the members in their respective Units and Service formations.

During the workshop, the PSOs were given updates on among others; WSACCO’s membership, share capital, savings, loan portfolio, total assets and factors that determine the computation of savings and lending interest rates.
The Head of Operations Maj Julius Niragire made a presentation on new products and services, while Maj David Mbiire gave highlights on services offered by Wazalendo Investments Limited- (WIL). Maj Mbiire also outlined the opportunities that are available for the members in the WSACCO real estates business and called upon PSOs to mobilize the members to buy genuine plots offered by WIL.
Charity Namanya